Video: Resurrection of Hope

When Jesus died, it was an event of cataclysmic proportion. The rocks splits, the earth shook, the curtain in the temple was torn from top to bottom, and the graves of many saints gave back their dead. “Creation, the cosmos, mourned the death of its creator.”

On that day many believers lost hope – On that day, many people went into hiding, living in fear. But God, on the third day, brought Jesus back to life. On the third day, Hope was resurrected, and the course of human history was fundamentally altered.

The resurrection of Christ is all about hope. It reminds us, even when things are grim there is no need to despair, because we have hope that things will get better.

The resurrection of Christ is all about hope. Knowing that Christ rose from the dead, we have peace to weather the storm, because the same God who rose Jesus from the dead has the power to say “Peace, be still”

The resurrection of Christ is all about hope. We know the apostles were mourning and crying on Friday night but they rejoiced on Sunday morning. Therefore, we can say with confidence that “Weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

The stone rolled away – up from the grave He arose – He arose, a victor from the dark domain. Every song about the resurrection of Christ ought to fill our hearts with joy and nothing but hope. That’s why we celebrate it every Sunday when we take the Lords Supper – to remind us all that there is hope in our future

The resurrection of Christ is all about hope. We know that death could not keep Jesus in the grave; therefore, we can rest assured that death will not be the end of the story. Our hope is firm, because of what we know about the God that we serve.

The resurrection of Christ is all about hope, and hope gives us the willpower to persevere through the darkest valleys of life, especially the one that we are currently going through. Lord, we thank you for the resurrection of hope, because hope will always triumph in the face of trouble.

Posted in Donny's Corner.